In 1969, Richard Nixon appointed the founder of Citizens for Decent Literature (CDL) to his Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. After two years of interviews and empirical studies,the Commission determined that a majority of imprisoned sex offenders (rapists, child molesters, exhibitionists, etc.) came from homes with "strict, religious beliefs" rather than permissive, open families as Nixon and the CDL had claimed.
Since the CDL's founder was in the minority (3 of 18 members) on the Committee, he could not block public release of the formal report, in spite of attempts to do so. Both he and Nixon were outraged at the findings, certain as they were of a linkage between pornography and crime in general. Five years later, Nixon left the White House in disgrace. What became of the founder of CDL? Charles Keating went to prison for "misappropriating" two billion dollars and bribing U.S. senators in connection with Lincoln Thrift.
During the Inquisition, Santorum's church murdered tens of thousands of "heretics," people who were accused of not adhering to the ("proper") faith. According to most historical accounts, the priests seemed to relish the sexual aspects of the tortures and murders.
More recently, it has come to light that the Vatican systematically covered up for pedophilic priests in many countries. I cannot imagine anything more pornographic or obscene that sexually abusing a child. Perhaps Santorum believes that is not as deviant as showing pictures of naked adults on the Internet. His hypocrisy continues to astound me; but not nearly as much as the people who still consider him credible.
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