Bio - Michael Smith

Michael Smith CPA, MBA
Professional Profile:
A diversified background, including chief executive officer, chief financial officer and controller, editor, publisher and entrepreneur.  Held senior management positions in systems analysis and design, sales and marketing, as well as accounting and finance.  Also wrote numerous articles, essays and publications on topics such as: systems analysis; professional selling; ethics; economic development; business planning, financial analysis and organizational behavior.  Professional speaker (including “keynote” and “closer”) and trainer; radio announcer.

Management & Marketing Qualifications
§  Director of Corporate Development (advertising sales, circulation, marketing and public relations) for Anchorage Times newspaper.  Responsibility for 250+ employees and 500+ news carriers.
§  President & Publisher of Alaska Business & Industry magazine and Alaska Business Weekly newsletter
§  Chief Executive Officer for an ANCSA (Alaska Native) village corporation based in Kodiak
§  Chairman & CEO of Enterprise Publishing, Tucson
§  Contract publisher for 1985 Anchorage Chamber Directory, the first time it was produced in Alaska
§  Commercial and investment Realtor® with Alaska’s largest brokerage (3 “Top Producer” awards)
§  Co-listing licensee for Alaska’s #1 residential builder on two subdivisions
§  Filed first public offering registration in Alaska under the Small Corporate Offering Registration (SCOR)
§  Account Executive for K-BEAR/KOOL/KHAR, Anchorage

Financial Qualifications
§  Administrative Manager/ Project Finance Director, EXXON/Valdez Oil Spill Clean-up, a $2+ billion project.  Also project leader for major systems conversion to relational data-base  (to an IBM AS-400)
§  Chief Financial Officer in Barrow, AK for 4½ years ($10+M annual budgets)
§  Chief Financial Officer for multi-publication holding company (Oregon Magazine, Oregon Business and specialty publications) in Portland, Oregon
§  Controller/Financial Analyst for $250M (assets) multi-bank holding company, Anchorage, and project leader for $10.6M SEC S-1 public offering
§  Director of Finance, Systems & Development for a non-profit mental health agency ($4.5M budget)
§  Director of Marketing & Audit Manager for a small regional (Phoenix & Tucson) CPA firm
§  Assistant Controller (project cost/fixed assets, $88M)
§  Staff auditor, Price Waterhouse & Co, Anchorage

Education & Certifications:
·         Master of Business Administration, University of Alaska Anchorage (1993)
·         Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Arizona Tucson (1979)
o    Major:  Accounting       Minor:   Management Information Systems (systems analysis & design)
·         Associate of Arts, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA (1973)
o    Major:  Air Transportation/Commercial Pilot       Minor:   Business Administration
·         Certified Public Accountant, State of Alaska (1984-present; "current but inactive" status)
·         Real Estate Sales Licensee, State of Alaska (1999-2003; 2007-2010)
·         Commercial Pilot License, FAA (1973)
Computer/Software Experience Microsoft:  Excel Word PowerPoint Outlook Project Visio Dynamics/Great Plains FRx Access Internet Explorer

1979-2004  (Note:  500 and 600 course numbers are graduate level)

University of La Verne, Anchorage
Adjunct Professor, Instructor of the Year 1999-2000

MBOM 540 – Entrepreneurship in a Dynamic Environment (3) Examines dynamics of entrepreneurship.  Includes creative principles, emergent markets, and start-up financing and operations.  {MBOM = Master of Science, Business & Organizational Management}

MBOM 543 – Seminar in Business Ethics (3) Ethical and social responsibilities of business enterprises.  Implications of individual institutions and entire social system.

MBOM 550 – Seminar in Organizational Behavior (3) Applies behavioral science fundamentals to human processes within organizations.  Reviews literature and research in human processes used to achieve organizational goals.

MBOM 554 – Public Policy, Law & Business Decisions (3) Analysis of public policy decisions on business operations.  Adaptations by business organizations in response to changing laws, regulations and court decisions.

MBOM 555 – Management Processes (3) Emphasizes processes by which human and non-human resources are mobilized, organized and utilized to achieve organizational objectives and goals.

MBOM 572 – Project Management, Quantitative Applications & Problem Resolution (3) Course examines all aspects of project management, from design through implementation and performance tracking.  Special project-related issues such as organizational structures, time management, trade-offs and quality management are also addressed.  Selected quantitative techniques, such as linear programming, probability distribution, forecasting and decision analysis are presented from management’s perspective.  The third component of the course involves “hands-on” problem resolution exercises.  Emphasis will be on practical, timely and appropriate solutions.  {Course designed by M. Smith for graduate students; incorporated into national catalogue}

University of Arizona, Tucson
Lead Adjunct Professor - Karl Eller Center for Entrepreneurship,
 Graduate School of Management, College of Business & Public Administration

FIN 481 – Finance and New Venture Development (3) Financial integration of marketing, production and management functions.  Proforma statements, development of venture capital. {FIN= Finance}

MAP 484 – Development of New Venture Plans (3) Preparation and presentation of a comprehensive business plan.  Integration of financial, operational and marketing elements. {MAP= Management & Policy}

FIN 537 – Finance for New Ventures (3) Value maximization; simulation of value distribution; sources of venture capital; timing of initial public offering; new venture ownership structuring.

MAP 539 – Planning of New Ventures (3) New venture development, financial projections, resource assessment and long-range planning.

Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage
MS 550 – Quantitative Analysis Review (1.5) Fundamental concepts and methods of statistics and operations research, including computer assisted analysis and modeling.  {MS= Management Science}

MS 610 – Entrepreneurship (3) This course examines methodologies for scanning the environment to recognize opportunities for needed products/services.  In particular, it seeks to analyze various aspects of starting and developing business ventures.  It also surveys the contextual environments in which small business functions in America.

MS 620 – Accounting for Executive Action (3) This course focuses on the study of systems and procedures for budgeting and control.  Among topics covered will be cost and profit planning, responsibility accounting, cost behavior patterns, operating and capital budgeting, and the use of accounting data in managerial decision making.

MS 625 – Marketing Principles & Strategy (3) This course focuses on identifying consumer needs and the development of product/service combinations to satisfy these needs.  Topics covered will included marketing research, consumer behavior, product strategy, distribution, promotion, marketing planning, etc.  Special emphasis will be placed on the development of an overall marketing strategy for the organization.

University of Alaska, Anchorage
ACCT 101 – Principles of Financial Accounting I (3) First semester principles of accounting. Introduces concepts and procedures for financial accounting.  Emphasis on accounting cycle, recording, summarizing and interpreting accounting data through presentation of financial statements.

ACCT 102 – Principles of Financial Accounting II (3) Second semester principles of accounting includes long-term debts and investments, analysis and preparation of cash flow statement.  Provides overview of managerial accounting.

ACCT 201 – Principles of Financial Accounting (3) An introduction to accounting concepts and principles.  Preparation and analysis of financial reports as they relate to a sole proprietorship and corporation.

ACCT 202 – Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) Studies the uses of accounting data internally by managers in directing the affairs of business and non-business activities.  Planning and control techniques include budgeting, product costing, break even analysis and relevant costing decision analysis.

BA 166 – Small Business Management (3) Business planning as key to successful small business management.  Examines practical aspects of management for starting/ operating small businesses.  Assists students in understanding personal finance, business regulations, marketing, production, and business finance.

BA 260 – Marketing Practices (3) Designed to give students a real-world view of basic marketing principles and practices.  Emphasizes planning strategy and application of marketing concepts.  Examines nature of marketing and its environment, selecting target markets, and developing a market mix: product, price, promotion and distribution.

BA 261 – Advertising & Sales Promotion (3) Introduction to advertising and sales promotion.  Integrates theory and practice.  Examines advertising role in today’s complex society.  Covers creation of advertising message, dynamics of media, and coordination of advertising and sales promotion with other marketing elements. 

BA 264 – Professional Selling (3) Designed for people with or without sales experience.  Explores skills all individuals use to sell themselves, products, services and ideas.  Includes selling process, buyer behavior, communication and selling as part of marketing mix.

BA 300 - Organizational Theory & Behavior (3) Literature of organizational theory; emphasis on the theoretical concepts, organizational design, dynamics of formal and informal groups, communication in leadership, organizational development, organizational effectiveness and social science research techniques.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Anchorage
BA 210 – Financial Accounting (3) An introduction to accounting information systems and financial reports, including accounting concepts, analysis and interpretation of financial reports with an emphasis on the operating activities of aviation related businesses.

BA 311 – Marketing (3) Marketing theory; marketing management; sales management; market research.  Public and customer relations, advertising, distribution.

BA 325 – Social Responsibility & Ethics in Management (3) A comprehensive inquiry into major components of social responsibility including economic, legal, political, ethical and societal issues involving the interaction of business, government and society. 

BA 332 – Corporate Finance I (3) The finance function as used by management, including  financial analysis and control; financial planning; short, intermediate and long-term financing, using the theory of cost of capital and leverage in planning financial strategies.  Aviation-related businesses are emphasized.