Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting Ready for 2012 Spectacle

Who really elected Barack Obama?
The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear. ~ Herbert Agar

This is NOT an endorsement of any political candidate, party or special interest.

Conservatives and liberals, left-wing and right-wing extremists, talk-radio entertainers, TV talking-heads, Democrats, Republicans and Independents continue the debate… “Who Elected President Barack Obama?”

Shortly after his local post-election show ended, I had a rather intense face-to-face discussion with a news-talk radio host who enthusiastically endorsed (on the air!) a comment from a listener:  that “Blacks elected Barack Obama.” 

McCain   2008 Electoral Results by State   Obama
The on-air exchange between his caller and the host asserted that the President would not have been elected without “poor” black voters who were “unemployed and on welfare, looking for more hand-outs.”

One of the Universal rules of ethical behavior that strongly advocates is that racism can never be justified, and should never be tolerated.

We also encourage empathy as well as the free and civil exchange of ideas as common elements of mutual benefits to humanity.  Unfortunately, facts become irrelevant when:

  Talk-radio and TV performances (left- and right-wing) become more fanatical and polarized,
  They jeopardize ratings and revenue by alienating the audience base,
  They contradict the host’s previously advocated political, social or economic philosophies,
  They induce listeners or viewers to consider issues from different perspectives, especially if those ideas are based on logic instead of emotion.

Political discussions have become more hateful and divisive. As we prepare for the ugly 2012 spectacle, it is important to know what actually happened in 2008

McCain won FOUR of the FIVE states with the Highest Percentages of “Black” Populations  ~  Race (% of Black only):
  • Mississippi – 37.1%
  • Louisiana – 31.7%
  • Georgia – 29.9%
  • Maryland – 29.5%
  • South Carolina – 29.0% 
Obama won FOUR of the FIVE states with the Highest Percentages of “White” Populations  Race (% of White only, non-Hispanic):
  • Maine – 95.8%
  • Vermont – 95.7%
  • West Virginia – 94.1%
  • New Hampshire – 93.8%
  • Iowa – 91.0%
McCain won FOUR of the FIVE states with the Highest Percentages of Households below the “Poverty Line” ~ % of Households Below the Poverty Level:
  • Mississippi – 19.3% 
  • Louisiana – 19.2% 
  • New Mexico – 16.7% 
  • Kentucky – 16.3%
  • Texas – 16.2% 
Obama won ALL FIVE states with the Highest Annual Household Incomes ~ Highest Annual Household Incomes:
  • New Jersey - $57,338/yr 
  • Maryland - $57,019/yr  
  • Connecticut - $56,617/yr  
  • Massachusetts - $53,657/yr  
  • New Hampshire - $53,337/yr  
Obama won ALL FIVE states with the Highest Percentages of College Graduates ~ Highest Percentages of Population with at least a Bachelor’s Degree:
  • Colorado – 32.7%  
  • Maryland – 31.4% 
  • Connecticut – 31.4%
  • Massachusetts – 33.2% 
  • New Jersey – 29.8% 
Obama won FOUR of the FIVE states with the Highest Percentages of “Over 65” Populations ~ % of Population Age (over 65):
  • Florida – 16.8%
  • West Virginia – 15.3%
  • Pennsylvania – 15.2%
  • Maine – 14.6%
  • Iowa – 14.6%
Obama won NINE of the TEN states with the Highest Number of Veterans:
  1. California (2,131,939 Vets)
  2. Florida (1,746,539 Vets)
  3. Texas (1,707,365 Vets)
  4. New York (1,065,749 Vets)
  5. Pennsylvania (1,057,073 Vets)
  6. Ohio (957,889 Vets)
  7. Illinois (841,679 Vets)
  8. Virginia (807,326 Vets)
  9. North Carolina (773,630 Vets)
  10. Michigan (761,308 Vets)

Source:  U.S. V.A. 9/30/07
United States Veterans:  Thank you for protecting our rights to freedom of expression!
Now if we could only get back to civil discussions (logical rather than emotional), based on facts (not fabrications and attacks) with the intention of an ethical ("win-win") outcome for all Americans.

Epic Journey: The 2008 Elections and American PoliticsThe 2008 Presidential Elections: A Story in Four ActsHow Barack Obama Won: A State-by-State Guide to the Historic 2008 Presidential Election (Vintage)Obama's Race: The 2008 Election and the Dream of a Post-Racial America (Chicago Studies in American Politics)The Elections Of 2008 (Elections of (Year))The Political Fix: Changing the Game of American Democracy, from the Grassroots to the White HouseWas the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?: Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official CountThe State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties (Social Movements, Interest Organizations, and the Political Process)The Opinion Makers: An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the PollsThe Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)Conventional Wisdom and American Elections: Exploding Myths, Exploring Misconceptions

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