Sunday, April 01, 2012

No atheists in foxholes? Think again

Here's an interesting article about a recent event at a US military base:

"We're sending a message," said Justin Griffith, an Army sergeant stationed at Fort Bragg who spearheaded the event. "Foxhole atheists are out there fighting for your rights. Please return the favor."

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bankers vs. America

Remember the old films and cartoons of the banker tying the widow to the railroad tracks so he could foreclose on her property? A century later and they're still at it. It's inexcusable that none of the Wall Street executives and brokers that created the financial crisis which has hurt so many people are not in jail. Yet another example of the differences between what is ethical and what is legal.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Santorum Needs a Pornography History Lesson

In 1969, Richard Nixon appointed the founder of Citizens for Decent Literature (CDL) to his Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. After two years of interviews and empirical studies,the Commission determined that a majority of imprisoned sex offenders (rapists, child molesters, exhibitionists, etc.) came from homes with "strict, religious beliefs" rather than permissive, open families as Nixon and the CDL had claimed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Immigration Mythology {Part 1}

Like most Americans, I had a variety of summer jobs as a teenager.  One situation stands out more than others; it was by far the worst, and hottest.

Between 10th and 11th grade, I worked as a "grape swamper," in vineyards west of Phoenix, AZ.  Swampers were the least experienced, hauling crates from the pickers (up and down the rows of grapevines) back to the packing trailer.  We worked from 4AM to 1PM, when it became unbearably hot to be outside.  I used to tell people that the best part of living in Phoenix is that when you die and go to hell, it will be 10 degrees cooler when you get there.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Are You Qualified to Teach Me?

I graduated from the University of Arizona, which at that time, was one of the top 10 schools of accounting.  I'm not sure how that was measured, or who did the measuring, but that's what we were told by all the recruiters from the large accounting firms.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I haven't got a prayer... but I'll run anyway.

As the Republican candidates elbow their way to the podium, we should keep in mind what they already know about 2012.  None of the "announced" (or even the posturing" candidates have a prayer of getting elected President of the United States.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Calculus? You've got to be kidding!

I took calculus in high school.  It was part of the the "college prep" curriculum:  algebra (9th); geometry (10th); trigonometry (11th); calculus (12th).  I was herded along with classmates, oblivious to the actual uses of this "higher math."